The Tale of Didgit Cobbleheart is a children’s book series focusing on children aged 3-8 years old. Through simple stories, parents and teachers can tell their children and students stories of the main character Didgit Cobbleheart, who learnt life values through little things he and his friends experienced. The series is fully supported by a comprehensive website and an array of social media especially designed for children, parents and teachers. Visit:
Book 2
The Tale of Didgit Cobbleheart and the Big Bone
I blamed the Big Bone for my bad characters in the past. I planned to get rid of it to start my new life. Luckily, my parents was able to stop me before I foolishly lost a precious family heirloom.
By Aang Muljanto
Category: Picture Book
Language: English
Rights Available
Page: 36 pages
Dimension: 18 x 18 cm
ISBN: 9786029949353
Publisher: Lily & Eddy, 2014
Represented by Borobudur Agency