by Humas Ikapi | Dec 12, 2019
The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, explains in the foreword, that the six presidential palaces in Indonesia “…. are symbols of our unity in diversity, in the purest sense of the word. They have become part of our history”....
by Humas Ikapi | Dec 12, 2019
Although Chinese travelers – mainly merchants – already reached the shores of ‘Nan Yang’, the ‘Southern Ocean Lands’, about two thousand years ago, the first well documented and known relationships with the nowadays Indonesian islands began with the first travel of...
by Humas Ikapi | Dec 12, 2019
Papua region, Indonesia’s easternmost territory, is so far from the country’s capital — geographically, culturally and historically — that many people in cities of Indonesia have little understanding of what life is truly like on the faraway island. The everyday life...